And, you get a neat table runner!
Directions for this are found here:
I understand that border prints are becoming hard to find due to the popularity of this table runner! Ionia Quilt Works has several border prints and stripes that work well for this project!
This is my quilting room.
So, now every thing is clean and put away and all of my containers are labeled! I still have a lot of scraps to go through and to sort out, but I feel like I made progress today!
I have about half a top finished out of Moda's Heritage Collection. A portion of the sales of all of this fabric is being donated to Ovarian Cancer research. It's a good cause and I am having a ball working with this top quality fabric. This is also the first time I have done anything myself with a "jelly roll". It's such fun to have perfectly cut fabric strips. It makes me really want to invest in one of the new Accuquilt machines for my shop.