I have been working off and on, on my Great Aunt Laura's Double Wedding Ring quilt since summer. I posted a number of pictures a few months ago as I started work on quilting this top. As far as we know, this top was completed by my Grandma's sister in about 1931. The top has been stored in my Aunt Marg's sewing from since the early 50's.
The fact that the top was stored for more than 60 years definitely made for some challenges in keeping the quilt square. The other challenge - the biggest challenge - was that I do not, at this time in my quilting life, have the skills necessary to do this beauty justice.
Knowing that when I started this quilt, I decided that 1) I was not skilled enough to do a custom quilting job; 2) I most likely will NEVER have the skills necessary to custom quilt a double-wedding ring quilt and 3) if I put it in a bag and put it away, it was going to sit for ANOTHER generation as just a top. I really think Aunt Laura would want me to finish this quilt, even if I could only do a less than wonderful job.
So, I finished it..... I know, it's not finished until it has a binding and a label. But, I have never done a binding with a scalloped edge. I know that I am going to need to make about a mile of bias binding and from there... ? - I need to do some research and see what I need to do. Here are some pictures of the quilt before I tackle the binding.