When the weather man gives a 7-day forecast that shows 7 straight days of mostly cloudy days with "measurable snow" each of those days, you must be in Michigan.
I've long thought that I must suffer from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) from lack of sunshine in the winter. And here we are again - mid-January and I want it to be SPRING!
I have attempted many ways over the years to treat my Winter Cabin Fever. One year I bought soil, little peat pots and tomato plant SEEDS. I just needed to see something green growing! Within a few short weeks I certainly had green. Unfortunately, before the ground outside was warm enough to put out these 100 tomato plants, they were tomato trees and taking up every available window space in the whole house. All in all, it wasn't a good idea.
Other years I have headed south to get in a little sun. Last year, a month is sunny Florida in March with my Mom turned into a month in cloudy COLD Florida.
This year we are still dealing with fairly regular appointments with my orthopedic surgeon, so being a Snow Bird this year is not going to work.
Guess I need to dig out that full-spectrum Ott light in my sewing room and see if I can fool myself into thinking the sun is out.
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