I have been sharing my projects, finishes and fun times but I think my family and friends have become quite bored with my constant posts. So, maybe my projects and finishes and toils and troubles belong where I can write them out for mostly myself.
There is no way I am going to catch up with any kind of chronological order so will play haphazard catch up. Maybe I shall go backwards!
Several months ago, I purchased a “new to me” 8-thread serger with the intent of taking my trusty little Baby Lock Imagine to Florida and leaving her there. Imagine my dismay when I took my little serger out of her case and found her to be all yellowed and ugly with age! I take good care of my machines! I went through a time in my life where even the thought of owning a nice sewing machine was a laugh. Now, through the grace of God, I am in a much better place and able to own a number of nice machines. But I take care if them !
I called Baby Lock and they assured me that “the plastic that they used at the time this little
machine was made, had a tendency to yellow with age. This should not affect the way the machine works”. Well okay, but it’s ugly. So I went to work to cover up some of the damage. She looks a bit better now and will go to Florida to live.
My next job was to learn how to use the new machine. The 8-thread serger is a Baby Lock (of
course) Evolution. She is about 8 or so years old but looks brand new. She also came with 6 or 7 additional feet that I have no idea haha how to use! So I went on the hunt for videos and articles about the machine. I was lucky enough to have seen a video done by Missy Billingsley, an independent Baby Lock educator and a webpage done by Evy Hawkins on a Twirley skirt made to teach the gathering foot, the rolled hem and standard 4 thread stitches on this machine.
So much fun! The first twirly skirt I made to fit Caris. She is the littlest of my granddaughters. She LOVED it. The second one at the request of granddaughter Elise. Yards and yards and yards of ruffles! An unbelievable amount of fabric goes into these skirts. A quilter would understand “a lot of fabric” if I refer to 76 jelly roll strips! I hope she is going to be able to hold the skirt up! It’s heavy!
I use my blog for me to post my sewing things. You can always share your posts on facebook :)