Still working on my Shakespeare In The Park quilt top. I wanted to have the entire top finished before I had my knee surgery done. It's a little hard for me to get the my downstairs sewing area for a bit after surgery. But, I didn't get it done. So it will have to wait for me to get back at it.
While I'm spending time in me recliner chair, I have lots of projects to work on. My sewing basket is full of scraps for my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. This hand piecing project will mostly be a "years long" project!
I also have a basket full of yarn for knitting mittens. I have no idea why I feel the need to knit mittens for my grandchildren. Mittens are not cost prohibitive for most and are readily available. Perhaps it is because my Grandma knit mittens for me?
Best of luck with your surgery. I hope your healing goes quickly. Sounds like you have a great plan for the time you have to spend away from your sewing. And your quilt is looking really good.